This post is the second in a multi-post set:
Having decided on a schematic, I then went ahead and installed
KiCad. While it's outside the scope of this write up, I needed to create a few custom parts in order to get this to work. If you want to do this, I'd suggest following the write up on the found
I had now gone from this:
To This:
Parts List is as follows (with links to digitkey):
- D1,D3,D5,D7 : 5MM LED Purple. ($1.39 ea)
- D2,D4,D6,D8: 5MM LED White. ($0.43 ea)
- U1: 3.5V LDO regulator. ($0.66 ea)
- U2 : CAT4008 LED Driver. ( $1.75 ea)
- U3: Header, Male part for connecting the ez430 target board to the PCB ($1.48 ea)
- U3: Header, Female part (1.09 ea)
- (connects to U3) : EZ430-F2012 target boards. ( $10.20, pack of 3 target boards)
- R1 : 6.19K ohms 1/10 W resistor. ($0.67 ea)
- R2,R3: 100K ohm resistor. ( $0.02 ea)
- Battery Holder 4 x AAA batteries ($1.27 ea)
- C1,C2: 100uF cap. ($0.79 ea)
- C3: 1.0 uF 10V, Y5V Cap. ($0.79 ea)
- SW1,SW2 : Switches. ($.12 ea)
With Schematic capture complete, I moved onto layout. I wanted to try and keep my PCB small, so it would fit in a hat, tie or visor. I decided on about 2 inches by 1.5 inches.
The layout took me about two days, though a good part of that time was getting used to the tool. I had used professional layout software before, so the process was familiar.
One of the cool features of KiCad is the ability to render a PCB in 3D. In order to do this, I had to install
The last step was packaging up the data for
BatchPCB. I found some info in the
sparkFun form, which I used to setup my own file.
My settings were as follows:
- Drill Units: Inches
- Decimal Format: Suppress Leading Zeros
- Precision: 2:4
- Drill Origin: Absolute
- Drill Sheet: None
- Drill Report: None
- HPGL Plotter Options: 20cm/s - Pen Number 1
- Mirror Y Access: Unchecked
- Minimal Header: Checked
I then created the collection of files need (copper layer top, copper layer bottom, silkscreen top, mask top, mask bottom, components) as documented by batchPCB and uploaded them.
In a few hours, I got an e-mail back that I'd passes the automated test, and I ordered 3 PCBs. 16 days later I received my PCBs!